
Interview with Charles Salzberg (author of Swann’s Lake of Despair)

Charles Salzberg (author of Swann’s Lake of Despair) is the author we are interviewing today on Thriller Books Journal; enjoy our interesting conversation. : Hi Charles, welcome to Our first question is very easy: who is Charles Salzberg as a person and as a writer? : Ha! You start off with the toughest possible ...
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Interview with Vernon Robinson (author of The Lady from Maida Vale)

Author of The Lady from Maida Vale today we are interviewing Vernon Robinson; this is how he answered our usual questions… : Hi Vernon, welcome to Our first question is very easy: who is Vernon Robinson as a person and as a writer? Vernon Robinson, aged 81–born in London, but raised in Lancashire. Educated ...
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Interview with Michael Wreford (author of Kill with a Borrowed Knife: or Agent Ai)

Dear Thrillerbooksjournal’s readers, this week present you Michael Wreford, author of Kill with a Borrowed Knife: or Agent Ai. Read our new interview and don’t miss reading his book. Q. Hi Michael, welcome to Our first question is very easy: who is Michael Wreford as a person and as a writer? A. Thanks, I’m glad ...
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