crime_scene_by_aktn-d37078cWe are continuing today our posts series featuring a few crime fiction blogs we think you would like to read. After part 1, these are the next first five we suggest you have a visit to.

Killing Time
An intriguing layout, a nice simple format and insightful prose from crimeaholic Gareth. He has a clearly-stated review policy and does a nice job.

Scandinavian Crime Fiction
What it lacks in its title, is more than made up for by its content: this blog specialises in the Scandi Noir in translation. It’s a suitably atmospheric and critical blog, supported by funding from a Swedish heritage college in the US. A great place to find the next big thing on BBC4.

Mrs Peabody Investigates
A quaint Sunday evening BBC series set in the Cotswolds? Nope, a really engaging and intelligent blog by Dr Katharina Hall, an academic who has written about the social and historical context of crime fiction.  A true internationalist – no tea here, vicar.

Karen is brilliant: passionate and smart reviewer, she’s a library assistant who’s become very influential in crime circles (the fictional kind).  She has lots of added extras too: news, competitions and a handy guide to quality authors from a range of European countries.

Crime Thriller Girl
At risk of sounding sexist, I’m sure women make better crime bloggers.  Crime Thriller Girl is a heady mix of reviews from a woman who starts from the back (with a blurb), then goes to work on the insides. News, awards and cool retro styling too.