Carac-AllisonCarac Allison (author of Dark Digital Sky) is the author we are interviewing today on Thriller Books Journal; enjoy our interesting conversation.

[Q]: Hi Carac, welcome to Our first question is very easy: who is Carac Allison as a person and as a writer?
[A]: I’m a Canadian. I’ve worked in IT most of my life. I’ve been writing novels since I was 16. I’m now 40. It’s taken me that long to figure it out but I’ve got it figured out.

[Q]: Where did you get the idea for Dark Digital Sky?
[A]: LA PA Chalk is my contribution to hard-boiled fiction. He’s my wise cracking, head-busting alter ego. The idea came to me for a terrorist scare. Chalk investigated it.

[Q]: Can you briefly summarize it (without telling us too much, of course)?
[A]: LA Private Investigator Chalk is hired to find three adult sons a Hollywood mogul fathered through a sperm bank many years before. United, the three half brothers discover they share a desire to be warriors. They plan a heist to prove they are worthy of enlisting with a paramilitary leader who has taken both a name and a mad inspiration from Kubrick’s dark satire Dr. Strangelove. General Ripper’s forces begin by robbing pharmaceutical warehouses and then mailing the stolen prescription drugs to America’s veterans. They escalate to kidnapping video game designers and broadcasting their deaths. The ensuing chaos builds toward a culminating drone attack that will forever prove Ripper’s warning that graphics have made warriors terrorists.

[Q]: Why readers might like it? Is there anything they might find difficult to accept in the book?
[A]: “Dark Digital Sky” is the first book in the Dark Pantheon Series starring LA Private Investigator Chalk. It’s contemporary pulp with a tech sensibility. It’s geek noir. It’s a hard-boiled thriller.

[Q]: Is PA Chalk character based on someone you know?
[A]: Chalk is a pure creation.

[Q]: Are you already working on a new book?
[A]: Yes. The second book in the series should be ready in a few months. So far 10 titles in total have been planned.

[Q]: What’s your opinion regarding ebooks and traditional books?
[A]: We all love traditional books. But you can’t beat an ebook reader. I carry a library with me everywhere I go. And I always have at least a dozen books on the go.

[Q]: A suggestion to wannabe writers. A suggestion to passionate readers.
[A]: I have no suggestions for wannabe writers. It’s taken me so long to reach this point that I must have done almost everything wrong.

[Q]: If you want to say anything, this is the moment…
[A]: “Dark Digital Sky” is a new kind of thriller inspired by the old time hard-boiled classics. Chalk is going to be big. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor and be the reader who recommends Chalk to everyone else.

[Q]: Would you like to say hello to our readers?
[A]: Readers—real readers—are a special breed. I’m happy to be one. I’m happy to count readers as my friends.